The Donald Loomis Memorial Clothing Bank helped 175 kids return to school in style. Everyone got clothes – “new” socks and underwear as well as school supplies, including back packs. We started a new thing this year – haircuts. We offered haircuts and quite a few kids, and moms, were happy to get them. We’d like to thank Krystal Severson, Michelle Brown and Rebecca Severson for doing the cuts. It was popular, so we’ll do it again next year.
The number of people we are helping has jumped considerably this past year. Last year we helped 125 back to school, 50 more this year. I am glad we have the resources and funds to continue the work. Thank Elk Head Brewery patrons, all the White River School Districts PTAs, and all those who donate throughout the year.
Thank all those who helped with “back to school” – Shelly Kacer, Aubrey Kacer, Kyle Severson, Lorenzo Smith, Corey Smith, Trevor Smith, Tia and Cedar Argo, Julie Packer, Ashtyn Packer, Lydia Miller, Cecilia Endicott, Julia Wentz, Katie Simmons, Susan Simmons, Sharlene Loomis, Jeramy Satterthwaite, Sheena Loomis, Natasha Loomis, Anita Briski, and the Glacier Middle School staff, especially the custodial staff.
We are celebrating 15 years this February. Thank WRSD for donating the space. Donations are accepted on open days, 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays and 10 a.m. to noon, the first and third Saturday of each month; and 6 to 8 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month.
Thanks to all in the community for supporting the clothing bank throughout the years.