Buckley food bank benefits from patrons' spare change

By Brenda Sexton-The Courier-Herald

By Brenda Sexton-The Courier-Herald

Every Wednesday for the past year someone from Elk Head Brewing Company has been bringing a glass, half-gallon jug brimming with loose change and crumpled bills to Rose Clark and her crew at the Buckley Kiwanis Food Bank.

Recently, Clark brought owner Rich Dirk something at his Buckley brewery - a plaque thanking him for his contributions.

That little jug on the bar raised more than $9,000 in donations for the food bank last year.

“It's such a simple thing to do,” said Sheila Loomis Smith, whose Donald Loomis Clothing Bank was recipient of some of the donations.

“There was a need in the community,” Dirk said. “I knew it was there. I think everyone's just a couple pay checks away form needing the food bank.”

Dirk said patrons have been very generous.

“It's a great cause,” he said. “There's no administrative costs, the money goes right to where it's needed.”

Clark said the Elk Head Brewing donation jar is wonderful because it provides much-needed money year around.

Elk Head isn't the only Buckley business that's been helping out the food bank. Clark said Anytime Fitness donated $2,500 from a fundraiser and Arrow Lumber donated 125 turkeys, along with potatoes and dressing, at Thanksgiving.

The food bank, located at Buckley Hall on River Avenue, is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m. to noon Fridays. For information, or to donate, call Clark at 360-829-1075.

Brenda Sexton can be reached at bsexton@courierherald.com.