Washington State Liquor Control Board files revised rule for marijuana license buffer

The Washington State Liquor Control Board filed an Emergency Rule revising WAC 314-55-050 regarding how the 1000 foot buffer will be measured for marijuana licenses.

The Washington State Liquor Control Board filed an Emergency Rule revising WAC 314-55-050 regarding how the 1000 foot buffer will be measured for marijuana licenses.

The board has learned that how the 1000 foot buffer is measured under the rules adopted by the board on October 16, 2013, differs from the way the federal government measures the 1000 foot buffer. The board needs to change the way the board will measure the 1000 foot buffer to be consistent with the federal government. This change must be made on an emergency rulemaking basis to protect the public health and safety of the general public with a more stringent 1000 foot buffer and to protect the welfare of prospective license holders, who may begin submitting applications in November, by ensuring that the locations of their licensed premises do not conflict with federal enforcement priorities.

The emergency rule can be found here.

The emergency rule will become effective on November 20, 2013, and will expire on March 19, 2014.

The board also filed a pre-proposal statement of inquiry (CR 101) to begin permanent rulemaking to revise WAC 314-55-050 on how the 1000 foot buffer is measured for marijuana licenses.