Tutoring program offers Math Camp

Buckley’s Village Tutors will offer an August Math Camp in algebra and geometry at the Buckley Youth Activity Center.

Buckley’s Village Tutors will offer an August Math Camp in algebra and geometry at the Buckley Youth Activity Center.

The courses are designed for students who are having trouble in math and those who are already good in math who would like to get ahead. Math Camp is live interactive tutoring, not boring lectures, with instructors who will encourage class participation, good note-taking and problem-solving skills. Each class is designed to provide individualized attention in a small group setting.

Seminars are two hours each morning, Monday through Friday. Algebra 1, both Head Start and Again, are scheduled for Aug. 2 to Aug. 6 and Aug. 9 to Aug. 13. Geometry courses are set for Aug. 16 to Aug. 20 and Aug. 23 to Aug. 27. The cost is $100 and is limited to 10 qualifying students. Call the youth center at 360-829-6534 for schedule and registration details.