Enumclaw library events in January | King County Library System

Is your New Year's resolution to get in touch with your local library? If so, check out all the January library events at the Enumclaw Library for children, families, teens and adults.

Is your New Year’s resolution to get in touch with your local library? If so, check out all the January library events at the Enumclaw Library for children, families, teens and adults.

Children & Families

Play and Learn

Friday, January 8, 15, 22 and 29, 10:30am

Newborn to age 5 with caregiver.

Have fun singing songs, sharing books and stories, creating art and playing. Play & Learn is presented in English but the facilitator speaks some Spanish.

Family Story Times

Tuesday, January 5, 12 and 26, 10:05am

Wednesday, January 6, 13 and 27, 10:05am

Family program, all ages welcome with adult.

Stories, songs and fun!

Infant and Young Toddler Story Times

Wednesday, January 6, 13 and 27, 10:45am

Newborn to 24 months with adult, siblings welcome.

Stories, songs and fun!



Teen Drop-In

Monday, January 4, 4pm

Middle and high school ages.

Snack, play video games or board games, or just hang out!

Teen Advisory Board Meeting

Monday, January 11, 4:30pm

For teens in middle school, high school and home school to get involved with the library. Volunteer and give input on how to best serve teens at the library. It looks great on college and job applications!

Teen “Nostalgia” After-Hours

Friday, January 29, 7pm

Middle and high school ages.

We’re opening the library on Friday night just for teens! Play video games, use computers, snack or just hangout. The theme is early 2000s. Relive your childhood! We’ll have old school games and activities. Pajama wearing is encouraged!

Registration required. Please arrive at 7pm sharp. Reservations will be

held until 7:10pm. Teens must be picked-up by 9:30pm.



Exploring Meditation Series

Explore different ways to practice clearing your mind and meditation with Andrea Carvalho. All are welcome!

Moving Meditation

Monday, January 4, 6:30pm

Did you know you could move your body and meditate? For those of us who have a hard time being still this is a perfect practice to learn.

Guided Meditation

Monday, January 11, 6:30pm

Story telling is an ancient art used to reach different levels of our consciousness, guided meditation uses this technique and allows us to be an active part of the process. An excellent way to begin meditation and learning how to relax our bodies and go inward.

Focal Point and Mindfulness Meditation

Monday, January 25, 6:30pm

Focal Point and Mindfulness Meditations are two classical mediation styles to help you to clear your mind and draw deeply within.

Enumclaw Library Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 5, 5:30pm

Saturday Yoga for Fun and Flexibility

Saturday, January 9, 11am

Join Andrea Carvalho in a free yoga class at the library. Yoga can reduce stress, build strength and flexibility. This class will be a foundations class, excellent for beginners or those new to yoga and an opportunity for experienced yoga practitioners to deepen their practice.

Andrea is a 200 RYT who has a passion for teaching yoga and offering a heart centered class.

Enumclaw Library Book Group

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan

Wednesday, January 13, 2pm

Friends of the Enumclaw Library Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 7pm

Be a friend of the Enumclaw Library! Learn about exciting opportunities to show your support for your community through fundraising activities, sponsorship of programs and increasing awareness of the library’s role.

Reach Enumclaw Legal Clinic

Thursday, January 14 and 28, 5:30-7:30pm

Reach Enumclaw is a free legal clinic open to all local residents on a first come first served basis.

Washington attorneys will meet with clients via the Internet for a half hour to consult on legal issues including: family law, landlord tenant, creditor debtor, contract disputes and others. Criminal case related matters may be reviewed if there is no current case pending. We also offer referrals to other agencies that may resolve client’s problems.

For more information, 206.398.4319.

AARP Life Reimagined Checkup

Saturday, January 30, 10:30am

A Life Reimagined Checkup is a local experience that helps people understand where they are in life and think about what their next move could be. Use a Life Reimagined journal (provided during the session) to reflect on different phases of your life, your gifts, passions, values, and goals for your future. Learn about the Life Reimagined Approach and other resources that can help you achieve your goals. Ultimately the program helps people think about their “What’s Next?”

Registration required.

Talk Time Classes

Thursdays, 7pm

Practice speaking English with other English language learners. Learn about American culture and meet people from around the world. Classes are free, join anytime!