Buckley familiy to appear in ManeStage Theater’s ‘Treasure Island’

There are many known acting families including the Barrymores, the Douglases, the Baldwins, and now the Pratts.

There are many known acting families including the Barrymores, the Douglases, the Baldwins, and now the Pratts.

Three members of the Buckley family are appearing together in ManeStage Theater’s production of Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treaure Island” and 13-year-old Jameson Pratt plays the lead, Jim Hawkins.

“I get to play his mother and my daughter Emily is playing a pirate and lead dancer,” said Lynn Pratt, Jameson’s mother.

She is excited by the opportunity to play a role for which she has some method acting experience.

“We have been in many before but this is the first time I get to play Jameson’s mom,” she said.

The two siblings attend White River High School and Lynn said both are musically inclined and interested in the arts. Jameson and Emily both play guitar and Emily, who loves to sing, is looking to continue in this direction.

“My daughter would like to go to college and pursue music,” she said.

At first, Jameson wasn’t as thrilled with the idea of displaying his talents onstage in “Treasure Island,” which has a daunting array of musical numbers.

“He didn’t realize he was doing six solos,” Lynn said.

Lynn said the audience can expect lots of visual excitement, pirates and gunplay at the show.

“I don’t think there’s anything challenging because we get along pretty well. It’s just been more of a blessing,” she said. “For us it’s been a really great time to spend together.”

If there are any difficulties, she said it’s finding time to squeeze other events into the schedule when the three aren’t rehearsing or doing some type of preparation for the next performance. On a recent family trip to Mexico, they used the time spent in the airplane to practice lines, but it’s hard to give up and something about appearing onstage together makes it difficult for the family to reach the final curtain call.

“We keep saying this is our last show and then we keep coming back,” she said.

Lynn said it’s great performing with ManeStage because it’s a great working environment and a welcoming theater group.

“They’re very family oriented. This is a positive place for myself and the kids to be,” she said.

She has experience with other theater groups and finds this to be her favorite.

“It’s a high-quality community theater that has a very positive message and a very positive cast,” she said.

“Treasure Island” begins Saturday and runs through April 25 in the Sumner High School Performing Arts Center, 1707 Main St. in Sumner. For information on performance times and ticket prices, visit www.manestagetheatre.com.