A little fear, if applied appropriately, can help

Is it fear based or truth?

Is it fear based or truth?

Should parents tell their children to get out of the street for a truck is coming? Are those parents fear-based or are they wanting the best for the child? One person’s perspective would call that fear-based if they cannot see the truck, or believe in trucks. It does not matter if a person does not believe in trucks, if one is headed for you.

It also applies to the spiritual world. God is like wind. We really cannot see wind. We cannot taste wind. However a person can see the effects of wind, like trees and grasses moving. Many people forget God is just as well as loving. The judge would not be a good judge if he had said to Maurice Clemmons, “I see you are sorry for what you did, I will be forgiving and let you go free.” A good judge would require a payment. It would not matter if Mr. Clemmons said, “I have done more good than bad, and I will do more good deeds.” The judge would be corrupt if he let him go free. Justice must be served. Jesus paid the fine so you and Mr. Clemmons can go free, that is, if he or you repented and trusted Jesus before he died.

I agree that religion has caused many problems. Religion is man’s attempt to bribe God with good works. Whenever man puts his fingers into the Bible, he messes it up. Some people make Christianity a religion instead of a relationship with Christ. Christians should act more like Jesus. Christians should be loving, pull people to them, teach people and share the truth.

Blind faith, however, is dangerous. Why is the Bible true? History in the Bible has never been proved wrong. Archeology confirms the Bible. Where the Bible touches science, it confirms the Bible. For example: the water cycle, expanding universe and earth being suspended on nothing. The biggest confirmation that the Bible is the word of God is that, about 3,000 future predictions had been fulfilled. Three hundred prophecies are about Jesus alone. No other religious book comes close to these confirmations. Most books do not even try to give prophecies.

The creator of our universe clearly says he is a just judge. Perfection is his standard to get into heaven which is why you cannot get there without trusting Jesus. Have you ever told a lie? (Rev 21:8) For this reason everyone needs Jesus. God does love us. That is why if we reject Jesus, he will not force us to be with him in Heaven. The only other place is hell. It is your choice.

Fear, if properly used and not abused, is helpful. Let’s see if other fear-based tactics are acceptable. Study for the test, so you pass. We need to practice in sports, so we can win the game. Show up at work on time or you are fired. Don’t drink and drive for you will get a ticket or prison for killing someone. Click it or ticket. A little fear, used properly, goes a long way!

Walter Hammermeister
