No matter the outcome of the election results for the 2015 Enumclaw School District bond measure coming to a close on April 28, there is no question about the phenomenal efforts put forth by so many on behalf of students in the school district.
As just one member of the 4rKids4rFuture campaign I want to express a personal thank you to so many. An ad will follow later from the committee, but I am too grateful at this moment not to extend my appreciation to Johna Thomson for co-chairing, managing so many details and keeping the campaign on target.
And none of the work could happen without the dozens of volunteers, hundreds of contributors and businesses who supported this six-month campaign. Thank you. You painted walls, windows and built sponsor recognition boards. You underwrote the expenses of our office and fundraising events, provided furniture, equipment, built a website and launched a social media effort. You wrote letters to the paper, columns outlining the many reasons to vote yes, provided endorsements, door belled, phone called, stayed up all night doing data entry, built signs and got them out across the district. You helped fundraise, put on events, provided food, music and helping hands. You dropped by to pick up materials, say hi and bring cheer to our office. You were students, parents, business owners and retired citizens who gave of your expertise, your time and your wallet.
The final outcome lies in the ballots, but the community spirit built by so many coming together for a common cause cannot be overlooked. This is an amazing school district and communities. I am so proud to be a part of it.
Nancy Merrill