WALLY’S WORLD: OMG, text type makes us LOL

As any worthwhile linguist will tell you, our queen’s English is in a constant state of flux; that is, the meaning of words change, new words are invented and the spelling of words change.

As any worthwhile linguist will tell you, our queen’s English is in a constant state of flux; that is, the meaning of words change, new words are invented and the spelling of words change. (As the same worthwhile linguist will tell you, English is one of the world’s dominant languages not only because of the glory days of England’s colonial empire, but also precisely because it so quickly adjusts and absorbs change.)

At one time the word “cool” referred solely to a cold or chilly condition, but today, of course, it has several additional meanings. “Cool” can mean “good,” as when something is “cool,” It can also refer to a person’s temperament; a “cool” person doesn’t get angry and remains calm and controlled. Furthermore, during the past 40 years, a cavalcade of new words have been invented, including examples like “Internet,” “sit-com,” “sexting,” “infomercial,” “googling” and “hedgefund.”

As far as spelling goes, well, Facebook and Twitter have innovated a nu kinda English script.  Sum ol people r quite boggled by this. (duh). They believe kids will forget – or even worse, never learn – standard English; i mean, omg, can u c a novel written like this?

On 2nd thot, i suppose u can b/cuz, after all, we accept Kerouac. (lol!) But b cool, mbgf likes Kerouac, but prefers mod script b/cuz it takes Kerouac 10 pages 2 say sumthin u can tweet in 10 words.

In many respects, it b cool 2 spell phonetically rather than in form English. & we already had a lot of this even b/4 Twitter;  i.e., “through” b/c “thru” and “night” b/c “nite.”  This b especially tru in grocery products, where “check” b/c “chex” and “stick” b/c “stix.”  & add 2 ur list “kno” instead of “know” and “luv” instead of “love.”

Sum elementary and hs teachers feel such phonetic script will play hell with students’ ability 2 spell and read traditional English. In the same sense that it b difficult 4 2day’s students 2 decifer & read Shakespeare b/cuz they r used 2 the slang & linguistic style in mod script, there may soon b a generation that can no longer decifer or read Hemingway. Or even Jackie Collins, 4 col.

4tunately, every1 and any1 agrees that phonetic spelling can b so clipped no1 can make sense of it. This shood b avoided. For example, can any1 over 16 unscramble this sampling:   When mbbf gets plazed, i cood lol b/cuz, omg, it b 2dd4!
