Pierce County auditor to host annual candidate workshop

With election season upon us, the Pierce County Auditor's Office annual candidate's workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, April 5.

With election season upon us, the Pierce County Auditor’s Office annual candidate’s workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, April 5.

The workshop will be held at the Pierce County Election Center, 2501 S. 35th Street, Suite C, Tacoma, WA 98409.

“Our goal in the Auditor’s Office is to ensure that every candidate is prepared to comply with the law and is armed with accurate information. If candidates don’t win their election, it won’t be for a lack of information and resources. To that end, we offer this annual event for candidates, campaign managers and key volunteers. It’s free and informative,” said Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor.

Critical information will be provided, including:

  • Filing for office online.
  • Public Disclosure Commission requirements (a PDC staff member will be present to answer questions).
  • Voters’ pamphlet online submittal process.
  • Website tools.
  • Voter registration information.
  • Redistricting and new precincts.
  • Obtaining data and maps from the Auditor’s Office.

Vendors, offering campaign services, will be present to answer questions in a “vendor fair” format.

Individuals interested in attending are asked to RSVP at www.piercecountywa.org/elections or by phone (253) 798-2634.

The Pierce County Auditor’s Office is responsible for elections, licensing services, a variety of public records and animal control services. More information about the office is available at www.piercecountywa.org/auditor.