Study levy rates, vote with wallet

Check your voters pamphlet on the (Enumclaw) school levy and note that from 2011 to 2014 there is an increase of $1,150,612 which equates to a 12.5 percent increase with no mention where the money is coming from and not showing any increase in the $3.05 levy rate.

In 2014 is there going to be 12.5 percent more houses in the tax district or are property values going to increase 12.5 percent? I don’t think so. That being the case, to raise the projected levy amount the only other alternative is to raise the levy rate. Reading down a little further to the “statement in favor” the first line in bold print states, “This levy will not increase your tax rate.”

Now, getting to the math with my handy-dandy, big-number calculator, using the $300,000 property value as a base and $3.05 tax rate, it comes out to $915 a year or $76.25 a month, correct as stated in the “explanatory statement.” Now just a minute here, the projected levy amount is $9,238,151, which equates to a $3.08 tax levy. With no mention of where the 12.5 percent increase is coming from the tax levy in 2012 will be $3.14; 2013, $3.30; 2014, $3.46 to come up with the projected levy amount.

It appears the school board is not aware what is going on with the economy in this country with the high unemployment, people losing their homes and the business community on hard times and still trying to do things as usual with tax and spend. They show no restraint in curtailing expenses or cutting extra programs that have nothing to do with their job of offering good, basic education.

The property tax in the state of Washington is the most regressive and most abused tax collection ever created. Look for a raise in your property tax coming out of this legislative session to help fill the $2.6 billion budget shortfall that the tax-and-spend attitude has created. Did you ever notice that the school levies always come up for vote before you get your property tax statement for the year so you don’t vote sticker shock? Check your tax statement and see where your tax money is going and vote your wallet for a change.

Don Barrie
