Attempted burglary | Bonney Lake Police blotter

Officers spoke with the reporting party in the department lobby regarding an attempted burglary at her residence. She told officers she woke to her dog barking in the middle of the night.

March 23

Vandalism: Officers spoke with the reporting party in the department lobby regarding an attempted burglary at her residence. She told officers she woke to her dog barking in the middle of the night. In the morning, she found that someone had uncoiled her hose and stretched it across her driveway and turned the water on. It appeared no entry had been made into the home. March 21

Suspicious Vehicle: Officers on a routine patrol drove past a residence they knew belonged to a male subject with several outstanding warrants. Officers didn’t observe anyone at the residence and drove on. They continued on and a few blocks away were passed by a vehicle belonging to the subject. Officers attempted to catch up to the vehicle but could not locate it. They were then told by dispatch that a male subject had left the vehicle along with his dog in a woman’s driveway and took off on foot. Officers responded back to his residence in hopes he would return. While doing so, they met up with another male who had been called to pick the subject up. Officers searched the area with negative results. The other male took the subject’s dog back to the residence and his vehicle was impounded.