President Barack Hussein Obama (mmm!, mmm!, mmm!) has a new campaign slogan: “Yes we did!”
The president unveiled his new slogan at a recent speech in Missouri. “Yes we did” – it fits the president and the Democrat Party to a T. The president in his speech also said that Republicans “wouldn’t have.” This is also very true. Let’s take a look at what the president and the Democrats have accomplished so far, shall we?
Traveled around the world on an apology tour; he’s right the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Nationalized a major automobile company; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Fired the CEO of said major automobile company; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Convinced a judge that the breath we exhale is a poisonous gas; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Placed a progressive, liberal judge on the U.S. Supreme Court; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Tripled the deficit to over a trillion dollars; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Mortgaged our children’s and grandchildren’s future; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Unemployment to almost 10 percent; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Orchestrated the most massive takeover of the private sector in history (ObamaCare); he’s right; the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Delayed aiding the Gulf states impacted by the oil rig explosion; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Ignored violations of federal law regarding voter intimidation; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
Sued the state of Arizona over its state law which was passed to protect the people of Arizona; he’s right, the Republicans wouldn’t have.
These are just a few of the things I came up with. I think the Republicans should come up with a new slogan of their own…maybe “Oh No You Don’t” would work. There are many more “accomplishments” of this out-of-control government. The president is quite proud of all he has done in less than two years and also expressed surprise that people can’t believe that he is doing it.
The president said his policies, however unpopular, reflect “what we talked about during the campaign. “Folks don’t mean what they say, and they don’t do what they say,” Obama said. “People get surprised when we follow through and keep our campaign promises.”
In this I will agree with the president. He told us exactly what he would do as president. Problem was, not enough of us were listening. “Hope and change,” remember? Now, all most of us are “hoping” is that we can keep a little “change” in our pockets when he’s done. And he’s not done yet. The “Fundamental Transformation of America” rolls on.
Wake up, America.
Tim Personius