FAITH CORNER: A closer look at orginial Biblical text reveals further details

Shalom! I would like to thank The Courier-Herald for allowing me to be able to share with you the Bible from a Hebraic perspective.

By Mark Biltz

El Shaddai Ministries


I would like to thank The Courier-Herald for allowing me to be able to share with you the Bible from a Hebraic perspective.

There is so much that is hidden that can be revealed from looking at the Bible from the perspective it was written in. One of my favorite examples is in the begats! Everyone skips the begats. The problem is the names are not translated from Hebrew to English; they are transliterated. For example, Adam’s name is a transliteration as “Adam” but the translation would be “mankind.”

If you remember, when Cain killed Abel, Seth was “appointed to” take Abel’s place. Well, in Hebrew, Seth literally means “to be appointed to.” So when Adam called for his son he would really be saying, “Hey, ‘Appointed to,’ would you please help your mother!”

We miss this by not knowing the Hebrew translation.

In Genesis 5 when you read the 10 generations from Adam to Noah in the exact order of their birth you actually get a story line. Seth gave birth to Enosh which means “feeble, frail, mortality.” Enosh was the father of Cainan which means a “fixed dwelling place” like a home compared to a tent. So in English we read Adam, Seth, Enosh, and Cainan. But in Hebrew you just said: Mankind/is appointed to/feeble, frail, mortality/a fixed dwelling place.

The story continues as Cainan becomes the father of Mahalaleel which means “God who is praised.” He is the father of Jared which means to “come down or descend.” Jared is the father of Enoch. Many remember Enoch as the one that never saw death and was taken up alive as he walked with God.

You probably know the verse, “train up a child in the way he should go.” Well it just so happens the words “train up” in Hebrew is “Enoch!” His name means to instruct or train up.

Enoch was the father of Methuselah, the oldest man in the Bible. His name means “A man sent forth.” He was the father of Lamech and Lamech in Hebrew means “to beaten and bruised.” What a name for a child. Then Lamech was the father of Noah. Noah’s name means “to bring rest, a quiet peace.” So what do we find when we put these names together in the order of their birth with a proper translation?

Mankind/is appointed to/feeble, frail, mortality/a fixed dwelling place. God who is praised/comes down/to instruct/as a man sent forth/to be beaten and bruised/bringing rest, a quiet peace!

As most of you know in the book of Revelation it says the Messiah was slain from the foundation of the world. We know Yeshua (Jesus) is the chief cornerstone.

The cornerstone of the Bible is the first word of the Bible. In English it takes three words “In the beginning” but in Hebrew it is only one word. The English transliteration using English fonts is Breisheet. Have you ever taken a word and tried to see how many words you can get out of the one word? How about trying it without moving any of the letters around! In Hebrew, within that first word without moving any Hebrew letters around you can see how Messiah was truly slain from the foundation of the world!

We’ll look at that next time. Be Blessed!

Mark Biltz is the pastor for El Shaddai Ministries, a Messianic Jewish house of worship. He can be reached at