Plateau voters will have a choice when heading to the polls during the coming election season.
Filing for the fall elections opened May 14 and concluded Friday with incumbents challenged in each of the 31st Legislative District races. For Position 1 in the House of Representatives, incumbent Cathy Dahlquist, an Enumclaw Republican, will square off against Democratic challenger Brian Gunn of Auburn. For Position 2, Greenwater resident Christopher Hurst, a 10-year House veteran who filed again as an Independent Democrat, is challenged by Lisa Connors, a Republican from Auburn.
With legislative lines recently redrawn, an area immediately north of Enumclaw – which used to be in the 31st Legislative District – is now in the 5th. Voters there will help decide three races. For the district’s Senate seat, incumbent Cherly Pflug, who filed as Independent GOP, faces Republican Brad Toft and Democrat Mark Mullet. For House Position 1, incumbent Republican Jay Rodne is unchallenged. For the vacated Position 2, Republican Chad Magendanz has filed, along with Ryan Dean Burkett, who stated no party preference.
Plateau voters also will help decide the race for the Eighth Congressional District, where incumbent Dave Reichert, a Republican, faces five challengers. Voters here also will help choose from an entire slate of statewide campaigns, including the wide-open governor’s race.