Sustainable Communities group looking for local organization

Area residents interested in forming a local chapter of Sustainable Communities ALL Over Puget Sound (SCALLOPS) can attend a Monday meeting at the Buckley Library.

Area residents interested in forming a local chapter of Sustainable Communities ALL Over Puget Sound (SCALLOPS) can attend a Monday meeting at the Buckley Library.

SCALLOPS is a regional collaborative supporting sustainability initiatives of communities all over Puget Sound.

According to Suzanne Ravet, people who have a passion for community building, local resiliency, recycling, community gardens, buying local, organic foods, sustainable energy, farmer’s markets, healthy wilderness, restoration, emergency preparedness, local food security, peak oil, climate change, healthy landscapes, clean water, permaculture, conservation, social justice and/or all things that promote a healthy and strong local community are needed.

The meeting is 7 to 7:45 p.m. and is for residents in the Buckley/Enumclaw area.

For more information on a local organization, contact Ravet at 360-825-3284 or go to