What happened to respectful discussions?

Re: all the finger-pointing after the Tucson shooting of Giffords.

One man had a good point – we’re giving that shooter too much credit if we think he had deep political convictions that he was acting on. However, I do know that hatred atracts hatred. The people spewing hate are magnets for the weak-minded people whose sad, pitiful lives are so empty that they need something or someone to hate. So they follow the rhetoric and the haters and do things to get attention.

Hatred attracts hatred, love attracts love. I don’t even read the letters to the editor in the Courier-Herald anymore because of so much hatred and name-calling. Where’s the respect?

Let’s grow up. Not everything is black and white, there is gray. We should be able to disagree without hate. Can’t we talk nice? It’s like calling a whole nation evil; that just not reality, it’s wrong. We need some civility and that starts by not having rudeness to each other. Isn’t that what Jesus taught? Empathy? Love?

Mardel Chowen

South Prairie