Regarding your new Our Corner staff writer Brian Beckley.
Judging by Brian’s photo he looks like a nice, young guy, clean cut, college educated, but his youth also makes him ignorant and foolish in his writings. If we want to read liberal crap we can certainly read the failing Seattle Times or the failed P.I. online. People like me prefer the truth and the facts.
For Mr. Beckley to write that none of the bad things that all the conservatives said would happen after Obama signed the bill is so third grade I can’t believe he wrote it. News flash to Mr. Beckley: they obviously didn’t teach you in progressive school that when a president signs a bill into law it can take many years for it to take effect.
Mr. Beckley states that, “The new law is 100 percent not a government takeover.” Out of House Speaker Pelosi’s mouth: “This (the passing of the healthcare bill) is only the first step. We still want to get to a single payer plan.” Single payer is government run healthcare. Socialist healthcare. One choice. If the government plan sucks, tough luck suckers.
You want to talk lies? Obama, Pelosi, Reed and all the libs say this healthcare bill will save people and companies money. Then why is it that within days ofthe signing, several large companies are showing they will have losses in the range of $100 million due to the new healthcare bill. How can these liberals say that it’s going to save money the first 10 years, while collecting the money for 10 years but not spending any for the first four years of those 10 years? In uneducated, real life, factual and truthful terms, Obama, Pelosi, Reed and the media, are feeding you bull crap. Yes they did shove this down our throats and every legitimate poll proves it. Even the polls on MSNBC, CNN, CBS and all others show that most Americans hate this plan and the sleazy way it got jammed through.
Young, college-educated Brian was not taught that taking away choices and freedom from citizens is socialism, which leads to all the other evil “isms” that our country gave young men’s blood to stop. Did Brian’s degree in American history not teach him this? No, the progressive colleges probably didn’t learn him any of that junk.
Ted DeVol