Fake candidate website is ‘deplorable politics’

I was shocked and dismayed to read of the bizarre political dirty tricks described in your front-page article “Candidate Seeks to Remove Website” (Sept. 1, 2010 issue).

The bogus “Elect Matt Richardson” website put up by Pam Roach supporters is deplorable politics in the extreme. It is a terrible commentary on the supporters Pam Roach attracts and appears to condone in that I did not see any mention that she deplored the website or appealed to its originators to take it down.

I find it curious that this type of bizarre and arguably illegal politicking appears to mirror the bizarre and unexplainable abusive behavior of Roach in the state Senate for which she has been officially reprimanded and censured multiple times and severely sanctioned by her own Republican Senate caucus as has been reported in the media.

Surely saner heads close to Pam can convince her that failure to condemn this bogus “Matt Richardson” website is a telling indictment of her own political values and ethics. It is curious to me that she fails to understand how this deplorable website is sullying her campaign in the eyes of many voters and thereby diminishes her chance for re-election.

Jack Hicks
