In response to the letters of April 27, 2010, preferring “progressivism.”
The letter writers in last week’s paper obviously don’t have any time allotted for reading early American history. The progressive movement was started by socialists as a nonviolent means to move the American ideology to socialism. Both letter writers reject information from FOX news while speaking their MCNBC mentality as more mainstream.
Although FOX news is conservative it makes quite an effort getting other sides of politics on their program. MSNBC, ABC, NBC and almost all national newspapers belittle conservatives at every opportunity. The letter writers from last week did very much the same. John Meadows, Daniel Scribner and Chris Quiles would prefer the progressive/socialist path for America. I will stand with Mr. DeVol and reject everything that brings America closer to a socialist country as is presently the case.
God bless America.
Daniel Scott
Lake Tapps