Health care law continues to bring confusion

I dislike being the one to rain on Dan Scribner’s latest hate parade, but no amount of (excruciatingly) bad poetry makes up for facts. (What happened to Brian’s call for civility?)

Um, Dan, the Obamunist takeover of all health care does not go into effect until 2014. All you are seeing now is the unintended consequences of us being forced at federal gunpoint to pay the full boat tax load today ($1 trillion) to pay for it when it does kick in in 2014. The Obamunist must have a surplus in the bank in order to claim the implementation is cost neutral in, did I mention 2014?

This of course is all to plan as the act will bankrupt entire states, as 26 states have just now realized and gone to court to stop it, as well as all private insurance companies. Bankrupted by forced coverage of prior conditions among other provisions they will leave the market, as they have for individual children’s policies in most states. (Hey! 300 million new customers for the Obamunists.) Then, Obama will be shocked, shocked that the little old federal government will be “forced” to take over all health care in the U.S. (think Veterans Administration hospitals type care for you and your kids) and if you are not a supporter of IWon, good luck getting to see a government doctor. If there are any doctors left as upwards of 60 percent say they will leave practice rather than work under the Obamunists.

No “death panels,” really? Um, one of the “prescription review panels” appointed (not elected) by IWon just blocked the introduction in the U.S. of the latest cutting-edge cancer drug. They didn’t like the cost projections so they banned it from being covered by private insurance companies and all government service providers. Hope you don’t get that type of cancer Dano, but since there are no death panels I am sure you wouldn’t mind when you do.

Should we touch on the nearly 200 waivers from Obamacare granted to SEIU and the other Democrat unions that funneled millions and millions into the election of the Obamunist? Seems they demand we live (or die) under Obamacare but it’s not for them! No sir. Having to live or die at government whim is for the little people. They bought their right to health care of their choice by buying O, unimpeded by the new law.

The debt owed by the American people today is $14 trillion, mostly to China. Obama is adding $4 billion a day and wants to up that to $6 billion in 2012. The total real unpaid debt, adding in the projected (government promised) cost of the welfare state (SSN, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) is $106 trillion, total debt O is passing on to your kids, $120 trillion plus. Plus how much? No one knows yet but him. Amount in the government lock box to pay for this: zero. He may not be responsible for all of it but he wants to compound it to bring the USA to its knees.

The amount available to run the country today is .60 cents of each dollar stolen by the government; .40 of each dollar goes to pay interest on the debt. By 2030, based on the projected amount needed to service the interest on the debt alone, the amount left of each dollar available to be spent by the federal government left over to pay for everything day to day, .08.

And Dan can have his own opinion of Sara Palin, (it’s the party hate line) in spite of O’s best efforts the Constitution is still (for now) the law of the land, but she is a hell of a lot easier on the eyes and ears than Dan Scribner.

Craig Sarver

Bonney Lake