Bonney Lake Community Development Committee agenda

AB14-110, Resolution 2398, 2014-2016 Fleet Maintenance, Personal Services Agreement with Korum Ford.

Community Development Committee

Nov. 4,Scheduled Meeting Agenda

City of Bonney Lake Justice and Municipal Center, 3rd Floor Conference Room.

The meeting will be called to order at 4:00 P.M.

Roll Call: Attendees:

Chairperson Donn Lewis Public Works Director, Dan Grigsby

Councilmember Randy McKibbin Community Development Director, John Vodopich

Councilmember Jim Rackley Asst. Public Works Dir. Charlie Simpson


I. Discussion/Presentation:


II. New Business/Action Items:

1. Approval of October 21, 2014 CDC Meeting Notes.

2. AB14-110, Resolution 2398, 2014-2016 Fleet Maintenance, Personal Services Agreement with Korum Ford.

3. AB14-145, Accepting the 2014 Chip Seal Application with Doolittle Construction as Complete

III. Actions Under Development by Staff:

1. Ordinance – Residential and Commercial Frontage Maintenance Responsibilities in the City Right of Way.

2. Establish City White River Basin Water Rights Using Cascade Water Alliance Water Rights.

3. Street Light Conversion to LED fixtures/lamps.

This CDC meeting was adjourned at P.M

City of Bonney Lake P.O. Box 7380 ♦9002 Main Street E

253.862.8602 ♦ Fax: 253.862.8538 Bonney Lake, WA 98391-0944

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