This upcoming election will give citizens an opportunity to vote on the largest local tax increase in this country’s history.
Sound Transit has its hands out asking us taxpayers for $54 billion to expand 1800s technology – choo choo trains. Yes, choo choo trains. The modern-day term is light rail.
Let’s look at the 20-year history of Sound Transit light rail. When liberal Democrats first pushed light rail, big promises were made. After it passed, it became quite clear the costs were higher than promised. The services were oversold and never came to fruition. We paid more for less. And traffic has only gotten worse while we pay more.
So, Sound Transit came back for more. The same result occurred. We paid more for less.
If you are a new citizen to the area, allow me to inform about liberals and Democrats from Washington. Despite evidence from big government projects across the country, Pacific Northwest liberals and Democrats believe they are smarter than liberals and Democrats across the country and they believe they can manage the same failed projects tried across the country for less.
Sound Transit has admitted that passage of ST3 will not reduce traffic congestion. We pay hundreds of dollars more per family per month and traffic won’t get better. ST3 will increase sales tax and property tax to ungodly and immoral levels.
Despite overwhelming evidence and history, Sound Transit is asking for more from us. The Democrat politicians that sit on the Sound Transit board see an incredible opportunity to control more money, have more power and see a big pay raise if ST3 is passed. Follow the money and it leads back to the wallets of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats being beefed up while their mind-numbed supporters cheer.
So, to summarize. The passage of ST3 will result in an increased tax burden of hundreds of dollars per family, per month, for years to come. And it will cost more than promised. The services will be less than promised. And it will result in richer liberal and Democrat politicians. The only promise from Sound Transit that will come true is that traffic will not be reduced. So, pay more to sit in traffic.
Please vote no on ST3 and end this mental illness love affair of 1800s choo choo trains.
J. Buss