Reader supports Supreme Court decision

I had to wonder about Robert DuChaine’s primal scream on the restoration of First Amendment rights for the people that work for or own a business called a corporation (Democracy may be up for sale, Courier-Herald, Feb. 3). Said rights which had been gutted by entrenched incumbents in office, with unconstitutional laws that ensured that no one except the in-their-pockets media could comment on them or the election 60 days prior to an election. Then upon ending his letter Mr. DuChaine laments that the same entrenched politicians will only listen to “billionaires.” You mean Bob, like the billions given by the SEIU, NEA, trial lawyers, George Soroes, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Wall Street, insurance companies, Big Pharma and mass media (by nearly 99 percent).

Let us remember that same leftist mass media was the only corporation not silenced by those same unconstitutional election laws. Now that same mass media is incensed that other corporations have a right to be heard? Hypocrisy thy name is the New York Times. The idea that foreign corporations can contribute to our elections is rubbish and scare tactics. Professor Bradley Smith of Capital University Law School stated such comments are “either blithering ignorance of the law or demagoguery of the worst kind.” The court specifically endorsed in Citizens United vs. FEC, the already in place (2 U.S.C. Section 441a: 2 U.S.C. Section 441e) all separately enacted federal laws that forbid foreign corporations or individuals from donating funds, or transfer of same to any U.S. election at any level.

The entrenched totalitarian Democrats with the help of some mindless Republicans, all more interested in personal power than the country they swore an oath to serve, thought they had all future elections in the bag, that they had finally been able to silence those pesky voices that opposed their perpetual reelections. Money is speech in modern politics and the Supreme Court, rightly, recognized that fact. They decided that leveling the playing field was more important as specified by the Constitution then partisan advantage of Dear Leader’s party.

The screaming from the totalitarian left is all about the audacity of the court at actually taking the First Amendment at its word: “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.” They upheld freedom of political speech, the kind of speech the framers of the Constitution intended to protect.

God protect the republic.

Craig C. Sarver

Bonney Lake