July 28
Vehicle Prowl: Officers responded to a report of a vehicle prowl at a local park. When officers arrived, the reporting party said the keys to his vehicle had been stolen and used to enter his car and steal his wallet. Upon arrival, the reporting party contacted their bank and learned that his debit card had been used at a nearby store. The officers contacted the store and will view the video surveillance for suspect information. At the time of this report, there was nothing further with the case.
Mailbox Mischief: Officers responded to the report of malicious mischief on South Vista Drive East. The reporting party lives next door to the residence who the damaged mailbox belongs to. The mailbox had been destroyed beyond repair. There were no suspects at the time of the report.
July 26
Domestic Violence: Officers responded to the report of a domestic disturbance between a husband and wife at their residence. When officers arrived, they found the wife outside and told officers they had been arguing about their marriage and that after she slapped him, her husband had hit her. Officers went inside to talk with the husband. He started yelling at the officers and told them “you have no idea what you just started, I am the son of God and I have God on my side.” After several attempts to bring the husband outside, officers were finally able to detain him.