The excitement level is high within the White River lacrosse program, which has opened its second season of play.
Coach John O’Connor reports that only three seniors graduated from last year’s squad that advanced to the second round of the state playoffs.
That brief record of success, along with league realignment in the South Sound, earned the White River crew a No. 3 ranking in the preseason pole.
O’Connor saw 47 athletes sign up for lacrosse this spring, a number he says is “amazing, considering it’s only our second year at the school.”
During the early part of the season, many will be playing for the first time; the good news, the coach reports, is the rookies are honing their skills quickly.
“As the season progresses we will be looking for the underclassmen to really push the varsity players for playing time,” O’Connor said in an email. “This is a great problem to have with such a young program.”
There are 13 seniors on the varsity and the team has been building depth at every position.
Some of the names fans will quickly learn are senior captains Gavin Harderson (attack) and Marcus Henke (midfield), senior defenseman Dawson Corey, sophomore Matt Funkhouser (attack) and junior goalie Aiden Rosenbaum.