The public again has the opportunity dispose of expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs.
A formal “take back” event is planned for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 22 at the Enumclaw police station at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Wells Street.
The event is sponsored by the Rainier Foothills Wellness Foundation and the Drug Enforcement Administration and marks the 12th time in six years residents have an opportunity to rid their homes of potentially dangerous drugs.
Only pills or patches can be turned in, as the DEA cannot accept liquids, needles or “sharps.”
The service is free and anonymous, with no questions asked.
Last April, Americans surrendered more than 893,000 pounds of prescription drugs at almost 5,400 sites operated by the DEA and more than 4,200 of its state and local law enforcement partners. Overall, in its 11 previous “take back” events, the DEA and its partners have taken in more than 6.4 million pounds of pills.
The program is in response to safety and health issues. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs.
In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines – flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash – pose potential safety and health hazards.
For more information about the disposal of prescription drugs or about the Oct. 22 “take back” event in Enumclaw, contact Monica Robbins at 360-802-3206.