Thanks to 4Culture of King County, the City of Enumclaw will immediately begin to create “Enumclaw Decades, 100 Years,” a video designed to highlight the City’s first 100 years.
The project was inspired by the 100th anniversary of Enumclaw’s incorporation.
The video will focus on the historic buildings in downtown Enumclaw. Stories about the buildings will include the lives and the events that took place. Narration and images will be combined to tell Enumclaw’s story.
The project funding is for $15,000. In-Kind donations bring the total project cost to approximately $30,000.
HeroLabs of Seattle and writer/director Staci Bernstein are collaborating with the City arts coordinator Gary LaTurner to design and produce the ten-minute video. The completed video is anticipated to be shown publicly in November of 2013.
The City of Enumclaw art staff and Staci Bernstein collaborated in developing the grant application and are excited to bring the project to the City of Enumclaw.
Staci Bernstein Bio:
Writer/Director Staci Bernstein brings over 20 years of professional movie-making experience to this project.Her company was selected as an Outstanding Woman & Minority Owned Business by the City of Seattle, and her previous clients include: NHK Japan, MTV, Washington Film Works, Seattle Center, Washington State Library Association, Northwest Asian American Theater, Pike Place Market, Seattle Audubon Society, and many others. She is skilled and experienced in all the key disciplines of her industry, including screenwriting, producing, directing, shooting and editing. Her greatest forte is in telling stories visually in a way that makes them accessible and engaging to the viewer. You can find many samples of work at:
LaTurner plans to work with the Arts Commission and City staff to provide community input, organizational inspiration, and on-going project review. The video is expected to include important groups of people who lived, worked, and played in Enumclaw during the past ten decades.
An open invitation to the community is also offered for others who may be interested in project involvement. We’ll be looking for information about some of the historic downtown buildings and interesting stories community members are willing to share. Watch the local media for a call to artists to participate in some aspect of the video production.
For More Information, please call Enumclaw Cultural Programs office at (360) 802-0239.