Today on the radio I heard the president of the United States utter an amazing statement. He was referring to the law recently passed in the state of Arizona, (SB 1070, Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act), which in part allows local law enforcement to take steps to determine a person’s legal status here in the U.S.
The president warned innocent Americans, “if they happen to be in the state of Arizona and take their kids out to get an ice cream they had better have their papers with them.” I don’t know if I have ever heard a more irresponsible and incorrect statement coming from an elected official, as hard as that would be to believe. What his statement told me was he has not read the bill. Not surprising though, as we all learned in the recent healthcare debate, none of those folks in Washington, D.C., read the bills they vote on.
If the president had taken the time to read the bill before making this ignorant comment, do ya think he would have been surprised to see that it mirrors the wording in the federal immigration law that he himself fails to enforce?
The president says that the state of Arizona and the governor are acting irresponsible; huh, have ya looked in the mirror lately Mr. President? He also said he and Attorney General Holder will be monitoring the situation for abuse, along with the Revs. Sharpton and Jackson. I’m sure the good people of Arizona are sleeping better just know these guys are watching out for them.
A Congressman likened this law to Nazi Germany and the murder of millions of Jewish persons. The good congressman fears the creation of a “police state” in Arizona. I saw another man on the news that said, “They are doing this because we are brown.” Nothing could be further from the truth. They are doing this because you are here illegally. They are doing this because the federal government continues to fail to enforce our laws. It took no time at all for the race card to be thrown out on this one, did it? The media, true to form, continues to lie and misinform us on the issues. Is there one honest journalist left in America that will tell us the truth?
Arizona’s SB1070 does not give law enforcement blanket authority to stop and question people because they “look illegal” – meaning they are Hispanic. Officers must have a legal right to be where they are and must be investigating a complaint or criminal activity; as far as I know buying ice cream with your kids would not fall into this category.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” words spoken by the president’s chief adviser Rahm Emanuel. You can bet they are going to work this one to the hilt. The thing is, this is just more smoke and mirrors to distract us from their real agenda, the fundamental transformation of America.
Wake up America, we are losing our country
Tim Personius