I think I have finally figured out President Obama’s strategy to deal with ISIS. It is a three-pronged approach.
1. Combat global warming. Right after the attack in Paris that left 130 people dead, the president held a news conference and he said the best way to refute ISIS was to meet in Paris and approve the international global climate change treaty. 130 people lying dead in the streets of Paris and the president is talking about global climate change. Hmmm, pardon me while I try to wrap my brain around that.
2. Restrict gun rights of law abiding, United States citizens. Evidently, restricting our gun rights will teach ISIS a lesson and keep us safe.
3. Invite ten thousand Syrian refugees that cannot be possibly vetted. I know President Obama says these refugees will be vetted by the federal government, but anyone with any intellectual honesty knows the truth. Just look how well the female San Bernardino shooter was vetted by the federal government when she was allowed to come into our country.
Thanks to the president’s feckless leadership our country is less safe. Our allies do not trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. He sits at the kids table with his crayons and lets the leaders of other nations take up the fight.
The world is too dangerous of a place for a Democrat to be president.
J Buss