As school boards across the nation are facing increasingly complex details and challenging decisions, voters need to be particularly deliberate in examining their local school board candidates in order to select well-qualified candidates to effectively serve our students and our community.
After researching the candidates myself, I confidently recommend Paul Fisher as an excellent choice for the Enumclaw School board because he is trained, tested, and thoughtful in developing a position on the Enumclaw school board.
In addition to having lived in Enumclaw nearly 40 years and raising three children who attended Enumclaw schools, Fisher is highly trained. He earned a college degree, was commissioned as an officer into the United States Navy, and then completed helicopter pilot school. He has a keen mind and was well trained.
Paul Fisher has been tested by serving as a Navy commander and by serving our country in uniform for 22 years. Besides being a patriot, he has corporate business experience. He possesses good analytical, leadership, and collaborative skills required in successful business, but also necessary for effective school board service. His business acumen and experience have tested and prepared him to well serve our district.
Questioning Fisher, I realized from his answers that he has been thoughtful in developing his position on the Enumclaw school board. They include:
– Ensure students get a quality education, not indoctrination (politically, socially, or other).
– Ensure students have a safe learning environment, both physically and emotionally.
– Encourage activities and teaching that unite students not divide them. No to Critical Race Theory teaching.
– Leave the decision with parents as to age appropriate sex education. Parents could opt in or out for their students.
– Support parents in their effort to have a choice for their children regarding vaccines and mask wearing. Let’s truly follow the science.
Fisher has obviously “done his homework” by being thoughtful in producing his position for the Enumclaw school board.
In addition to studying Paul Fisher’s background and positions, I also viewed the Role of the Board from the Enumclaw School District website. It states:
“School directors work together to oversee the school district. As a board, their primary responsibilities are:
– Hire, supervise and evaluate the superintendent.
– Set the vision, mission and strategic goals for the district.
– Review, revise and adopt policies.
– Establish and oversee the budget.
– Serve as community representatives.
– Monitor the district’s progress towards its goals.”
It is of absolute and utmost importance that we voters understand what is required of the school board members and that we educate ourselves on the candidates and their positions.
We have a responsibility to vote in this election for the sake of our students and for our community. We have a stake in this. For those who as property owners pay taxes toward our schools, we have an even greater stake in how our schools are managed. We desire to see our students thrive! We want to provide the best for students.
I urge your favorable consideration of Paul Fisher for the Enumclaw school board.
Julia Ubbenga