Exhausted? More like completely drained and on the verge of checking out. My head hurts. I can’t move. I don’t even see a reason to get out of bed, most days. So, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor.
I am ushered to the patient room by a medical assistant. Not a word on my way back to the room. I get my vitals taken. I get told, “I have a few questionnaires for you”.
Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?
Little interest or pleasure in doing things: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Felling tired or having little energy: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Poor appetite or overeating: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed. Or the opposite being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3). Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself: not at all (0), several days (1), more often than half days (2), nearly everyday (3).
“Let me add up the score” says the medical assistant. “The doctor will be in soon”, as she leaves the room.
Side note: How to interpret the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9) based on total score: 1-4, Minimal depression; 5-9, Mild depression; 10-14, Moderate depression; 15-19, Moderately severe depression; 20-27, Severe depression. The PHQ9, by the way, was created by PRIME-MD ®, a trademark of Pfizer Inc.
I will not disclose my score to you. However, answer the questions and then look at the interpretation of results. Are you depressed? Did you need a doctor to tell you this? My assumption is, no. You only needed the doctor to affirm what you have already been feeling for days, weeks, months, even years.
Why am I bringing this up you might ask? Well, let’s see. For every one of you who has an issue with every decision our government is making in response to the current pandemic, I have a question for you. Why did it take a mask or a vaccine for you to push back or fight for freedom? For decades we have been allowing our government and these large money-making companies rule over our health care and health care systems.
Look at who owns the trademark of this patient assessment — the PHQ9 was piloted in the 90s and was implemented into the health care system in the early 2000s. Pfizer is one of the largest manufactures that dominates the psychological medication industry. So again, why the outcry of a mask and vaccine, when for decades the industry has been dominating our health care and decision-making practices?
Could it be that only now you have awakened to an experience of inequity, and inequality, that many of our poverty-stricken communities have been facing for most if not all their lives?
I am done with the ignorance. I am done with the narcissistic mindset. I am done with being complacent with the so-called “fight for freedom”. You, my neighbor, are not fighting for anyone’s freedom but your own. Wake. Up. The world has been turning with injustices and inequality far longer than the current world issues. It is only now that it has touched you or yours. Oh, the privilege of being privileged.
Take a look around yourself and ask these questions. Is everyone around me like me? Do I feel comfortable and supported? Is there anyone in my inner circle who challenges me to think/believe/feel differently? Now let that sink in. Are you really fighting for “freedom” or just your freedom?
Are you done, yet?