Auto plates can indicate handicapped status, too

Recently, while parked legally at Enumclaw Public Library, I was surprised to find an orange sheet of paper under my windshield wiper. In red printing, the note said, “You have parked in a No Parking Zone. Please read the signs!” It was signed “ML.”

Though I have seen many people park illegally in areas designated for those of us with assorted disabilities, I appreciated the fact that someone was/is trying to keep us “honest.” However, the individual (ML) was or is not aware that a) many of us have only one vehicle, and that it made more sense to me, to take the choice of the license plate designating disability on both front and back of my vehicle. Knowing my own habits, I knew that I would probably lose the hang tag.

In addition, the area reserved for those disabled is not a “No Parking Zone” but rather reserved for those with disability. Because I have seen many abuses of the hang tag, I appreciate ML’s endeavor and I say “thank you.”

The hang tag is indeed very often abused as well. I can suggest no remedy for that other than to tweak those with any conscious behaviour. In many areas such as grocery store parking lots, City Hall, the hospital, the post office and many other areas, I have seen a hang tag used, while the disabled person sits in the vehicle and the driver completes the job intended.

So I do thank you ML for making the effort to arouse public conscience in those who are truly violating the hang tag, and in those who “stretch” the hang tag use. Please remember to look at the license plates, too.

Doreen M. Bowie
