Relay for Life walk begins Friday

By Shawn Skager-The Courier-Herald

By Shawn Skager-The Courier-Herald

Friday and Saturday, Sunset Chev

Stadium will resound with the message

of hope and perseverance as

the 2008 American Cancer Society

Sumner/Bonney Lake Relay for Life

comes to town.

The event, a 24-hour relay to raise

money to fight cancer, as well as celebrate

those who have battled cancer

and survived, was started in 1985

in Tacoma, when colorectal surgeon

Dr. Gordy Klatt walked for 24 hours

at the University of Puget Sound to

raise awareness and money for cancer


Tina Pries, activity director for this

year’s Sumner/Bonney Lake event,

has been participating in the event the

past eight years.

Pries, who works at Stafford Suites

in Sumner, heads the senior living

community’s team. This year the team,

named “The Flying Monkeys” in honor

of the event’s theme “There’s No Place

Like Hope” - a play on a line from the

Wizard of Oz - includes more than

70 people and has raised more than


“I’ve seen so many people whose

lives have been affected by cancer,”

Pries said. “I truly believe we can make

a difference.”

This year’s event gets starts at 6 p.m.

Friday with the opening ceremony and

the Survivor’s Lap, featuring those who

have battled cancer.

“To see people who have fought

through this is really moving,” Pries


After the Survivor’s Lap, the event

kicks into full gear with theme laps

accompanied by entertainment and

music, that continue for 24 hours.

At 9 p.m. the event will feature the

luminaria ceremony, where the track

at Sunset Chev Stadium is lined with

bags illuminated by candles, each one-

honoring someone who is

fighting or who lost their

battle to cancer.

At 3 a.m. the stadium

will spring to life with the

sounds of “The Wizard of

Oz,” shown on an outdoor

inflatable theater.

The event will also feature

the music of Stay Tuned

and Andy Shofner, as well as

DJ Steve Clements. Other

prizes, raffles and games

will entertain participants

during the event.

For Pries, who lost her

father-in-law to cancer and

says the disease runs “heavily

in my family” the event

is a moving reminder that

most people are affected by

the disease, in one way or


“You really have to see it,”

she said. “You really don’t

understand Relay for Life

until you’ve been there.”

For more information

about the Sumner/Bonney

Lake Relay for Life visit

their Web site at http://




Shawn Skager can be

reached at 360-802-8208 or

by e-mail at sskager@courierherald.
