Marshall Avenue, Porter and McHugh intersection slated for improvements

Enumclaw releases a Transportation Improvement Plan every year — here’s what’s expected for 2025 - 2030.

Like clockwork, the Enumclaw City Council approved its annual Transportation Improvement Program, outlining what street projects are scheduled for the next six years.

This year’s TIP, a requirement to receive state and federal funding for these improvements, was passed at the June 24 council meeting.

It should be noted that the TIP is a non-binding document, though it attempts to prioritize what projects need to be tackled in the near future. In total, about $4.46 million is expected to cover about 17 projects, which will either only reach the planning stage or be completed by 2030.

This year’s most expensive planned project, expected to be tackled next year, are sidewalk improvements along state Route 169, from McHugh Avenue to Thunder Mountain Middle School. The total cost of the project is estimated to be around $1.5 million, though that is all covered with federal funds.

Other projects predicted to be completed next year include pedestrian improvements to Marshall Avenue, from Cole Street to the nearby alley ($75,000) and improvements to the Porter Street and McHugh Avenue intersection ($50,000).

Up next in 2026 are Battersby Avenue improvements from 225 Battersby Avenue to Farman Street, estimated to cost roughly $200,000, but covered by the local Transportation Benefit District (so not Enumclaw’s general fund) and state funds.

Initial Avenue may see some improvements in 2027, from Railroad Street to Wells Street, another project paid for by Enumclaw’s Transportation Benefit District.

And in 2028, Marshall Avenue could get a facelift from Railroad Street to Porter Street for $600,000 — half paid out of the city’s general funds.

Pioneer Street may see some work between Griffin Avenue and Montgomery Avenue in 2029 ($100,000), and Lorainse Street, from Roosevelt Avenue to Elmost Avenue, in 2030.

Additionally, some state projects have gotten some mention — a Porter Street and Washington Avenue Channelization project, and a culvert replacement at Griffin Avenue and 244th Avenue. However, estimated costs and completion dates are to be determined.
