Letter to the Editor: Trump is a lifetime criminal, failed president, and cult leader

Reader Stanley McKie says Trump is ignorant about politics and how to run the country.

“What’s past is prologue.” – William Shakespeare

“Aye aye, sir! These men will die at my command!” barked my Marine Corps senior drill instructor after receiving scripted instructions from my training platoon’s battalion commander during my official first day of basic training. While I knew that the job of the Marine Corps is to wage war; I naively did not think at that time that I would ever die in combat.

I am so thankful that I did not die in combat so that Trump could desecrate my grave like he did to the thousands of graves at Arlington National Cemetery for his ulterior political motives. Smiling with a thumbs-up pose alongside tombstones, on hallowed grounds, for a photo op? Obviously, Trump didn’t learn from his other infamous photo op: the one standing in front of a church holding a Bible upside down.

Trump’s behavior suggests he lacks self awareness and that he is a dolt. Yes, grieving families may have invited Trump to the graves of their fallen loved ones; but even these families didn’t have the right to usurp Arlington Cemetery’s deferential rules and protocols.

Voters should heed Gold-Star parent, White House Chief of Staff General Kelly when Kelly said, “God help us” if Trump wins the election in November. Kelly also said “What can I add that hasn’t already been said [?],” and that Trump is one of the “dumbest people” Kelly has met. I believe Kelly, other former Republican White House insiders who continue to warn us of the perils of another Trump presidency. They and the majority of Americans know the what’s what when it comes to Trump’s malignancies. These are good enough reasons to not give Trump another chaotic scandal-ridden presidency. Trump will finish what he started: bringing the country to its knees.

Trump’s petulant man-child low-grade stupid irresponsible behaviors and the behaviors of his goons and Republican sycophants continues to be stunning but not surprising. Trump, many Republicans and the people in his MAGA cult have eyes but they refuse to see. Trump is profoundly ignorant when it comes to governing and world affairs, is undisciplined, he thinks he has the right to do whatever he pleases, he shirks responsibility, he doesn’t believe he has to be held accountable, and is a lifelong criminal.

On a different note: I came across some trivia the other day. Elected officials and prison administrators “deduce that a strong percentage of kids reading below their grade level by third grade” would likely need a prison bed when they got older. I fell out of my chair when I read this and I immediately thought of illiterate Trump! Trump is proof that the experts are right on and exact.

Like most convicts, Trump is fluent in the repetitive cliches of convicts: “I wasn’t there,” “It wasn’t me!” and “ I am innocent.”

Do you think we should arm our pets? Trump (and Buss?) will have us believe that immigrants are eating dogs and cats.

Stanley McKie
