What is going on in our town?
Not many years ago, the citizenry of Enumclaw (or any small town), would have been up in arms if the city fathers forced a 55 percent raise on them for anything and this is just on part of our utilities.
As a result, the ones who perpetrated this snafu on us would be down the road in the next election.
I am retired and on a fixed budget.
I cannot afford a 55 percent raise in sewage rates. What about all the families in town who are low income or have lost their jobs, or are retired? Are we going to be forced out of our homes at the whim of a city council who did not cast one dissenting vote? Who is going to speak for us?
I know there seem to be several reasons for the raise, but what happened to contingency planning? Shouldn’t there be a little blame placed on those who had no foresight?
Aren’t there any solutions that might be easier on us seniors? Are we all going to be living on the streets? Where will the revenue so freely played with by our city leaders come from then?
Where is this going to end?
Think about it folks when the next election rolls around.
Dave Lunde