With $2.1 million in reductions made earlier in the year, the Enumclaw School Board took a look at the final 2009-10 budget at its July 20 regular meeting.
The White River School Board tabled its six-year capital facilities plan for further review after the board found the report to hold conflicting information. Board members asked Rick LaBoyne, district facilities and transportation services director, to submit a second version that reflects the information more accurately at its 6 p.m. Aug. 13 meeting in the board conference room.
The Enumclaw-based Cascade Home-Ec 4-H leader Jim Olson was bursting with pride as Enumclaw’s King County Fair closed its gates. As he was putting the final touches on a plate of beets, a judge from the Washington State Fair Commission handed him the black and white rosette for Best in Show.
Phew! Or maybe I should say pee-yew.
Work will begin immediately to replace the Enumclaw Middle School roof and heating and cooling system. The Enumclaw School Board awarded the contract at a July 8 special meeting with the anticipation the project will be complete before the start of classes.
Green River Community College’s Prime Time program for mature learners 55 years old and older will be offering a great opportunity to learn about the current chemistry of the highest court in the land, the United States Supreme Court.
Mayor Howard Botts announced Sawyer Anderson, Tyler Miller and Adrianna Moroz as the winners in the city’s “What Black Diamond Means to Me” essay contest.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church has a fresh face behind the altar, the Rev. Jose Chavenia Jr.
When the Chinook Little League started its fastpitch program two years ago, its organizers weren’t predicting success right out the gate. Now, they’re busting with pride.
The chatter coming from the dugout at Sumner High isn’t the type most would expect during a softball game.
Enumclaw’s annual Stars and Stripes Celebration for the Fourth of July brought hundreds downtown to enjoy the parade, entertainment and family-friendly games.
After years of putting together floral arrangements in her Enumclaw-area home, Sandy Dubsky is moving An Occasion Flowers downtown, renting a corner of space at City Perk, 1616 Cole St.
There’s a glow radiating from the corner of Railroad Street and Myrtle Avenue, it’s Shine Salon and Spa.