The Hornet girls placed 12th in cross country/
The Hornets are playing their first game against Auburn Riverside tomorrow evening.
The election hasn’t been certified as of yet, but the results are likely to remain how they are now.
The Tour is a 110-mile hike through multiple European counties.
Cross country, volleyball, and soccer athletes are all heading to state.
The city council is also talking about a new EMS levy, with a public hearing on Nov. 12.
Soccer and volleyball are heading to districts, while swim and cross country are readying for state.
The first district game is Tuesday, Nov. 5.
For a $400,000 home, the tax bill in 2020 will be approximately $520.
Jared Zaugg and doubles team Tenner Jewell and Charlie Pratt are all contenders in district this year, while Enumclaw’s season has ended.
Both teams are heading into the postseason, with games this Friday.
Luckily, the south trail is still open.
Given those healthy financial expectations, the city has proposed a “robust list of major capital projects” for the coming year.