As August wanes and summer begins drawing to a close, we find ourselves once again transitioning from a time of summer’s freedom to a time of more routine and obligation.
As the last few days before Christmas rapidly close in on us, I hope we take a second to slow down in the midst of the hustle and bustle and reflect on what this celebration is all about
I love being part of a community that cares. The more I learn, the more I am convinced that the paramount thing that we can learn from Jesus’ teachings is how to be a part of a community.
Wow. Another Thanksgiving passed, another turkey consumed and after looking in the mirror at the obvious pounds I’ve recently added, another reminder of why we don’t feast like that more often.
May 21, as you may know, was predicted to be the beginning of the end of the world by Harold Camping, a retired civil engineer-turned-evangelist. Now that the 21st has come and gone earthquake free and no one, least of all not the 200 million Camping predicted, has gone mysteriously missing as a result of the rapture, it is pretty obvious the predictions were wrong.
I recently heard a pastor friend of mine say that Easter is like the Superbowl for Christians.