“So,” she said, “I’m sure glad that’s over.”
“Glad what’s over?” I responded, though I suspected I knew what she was talking about.
“Christmas!” she exclaimed, “I’m glad Christmas is over.”
“So,” she said, “I’m sure glad that’s over.”
“Glad what’s over?” I responded, though I suspected I knew what she was talking about.
“Christmas!” she exclaimed, “I’m glad Christmas is over.”
Have you noticed how weird the world seems to be getting? Do you read beyond the headlines and see the goofy stuff that is happening in the world around us?
Everywhere I look I see hard times. In the last couple of years parents have lost their children at the hands of an angry, disturbed young man; an unprecedented storm caused billions of dollars in damage and untold personal loss in the Northeast; and a tornado of biblical proportions recently destroyed Moore, Okla., causing unbelievable destruction and unspeakable pain. Most of us watched it on the evening news. Hard times.
Resurrection Sunday 2013 is behind us now. The Easter story has been told again, a million times. It’s been preached from pulpits, taught in Sunday school classes large and small in all corners of the world.
So I said, “I was talking to God the other day.”
“Wait,” he said, “You talk to God, I mean not like, eh, pray or something, I mean you talk to God?”