Kent Bargain Boutique opened 28 years ago
State Patrol blames impairment, distraction, speeding and not wearing seat belts for higher numbers
Fire broke out Tuesday evening, Aug. 16; four fire departments responded
Seeks injunction in efforts to improve safety at crime-ridden complex
Company denies accusations that it discriminated against pregnant employees
State Office of Independent Investigations ready to go to work
For Aug. 1 election
Several bullets fired at driver from passenger in nearby car; nobody hurt
Crackdown on illegal street racing and vehicles fleeing from traffic stops
Ethan Nordean was part of Proud Boys group that wanted to keep Trump in power
Senate Republican leader says no agreement reached yet with Democrats; session to start May 16
Three among 28 mayors across the state opposing House changes to Senate bill on drug possession laws
Interested in running for office? Workshops have the details