
The Chip Shock Action Plan Review: Zach Scheidt’s Strategy for Thriving in a Potential Chip Market Meltdown

Computer chips play a critical role in every part of our world. But what would happen if chip manufacturing disappeared overnight?

That’s the premise behind Zach Scheidt’s The Chip Shock Action Plan. In it, investors can discover the steps to take if China invades Taiwan, which would cause chaos in the chip market.

In our review, find out whether or not The Chip Shock Action Plan is worth buying today.

About The Chip Shock Action Plan

The Chip Shock Action Plan: How to Outlast Economic Genocide is an online eBook.

Normally priced at $197, the eBook is available for just $67 for a limited time. Plus, all purchases come with two free bonus gifts, including How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress and The Foreign Currency Hedge. You get instant access to all three guides immediately after confirming your purchase.

A former hedge fund manager, Zach Scheidt, created the Chip Shock Action Plan. Zach primarily markets the guide to investors, including those concerned about a potential upcoming invasion of Taiwan and other acts of Chinese aggression.

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What Will You Learn in The Chip Shock Action Plan?

The Chip Shock Action Plan explains why China could be aggressive in the near future – and how investors can prepare.

Zach claims China could invade Taiwan because of its “economic chokepoints.” The island nation of Taiwan is home to 50% of the world’s chip manufacturing facilities – and 90% of the world’s high-end chip manufacturing. The US military, major US companies like Nvidia, and other firms all rely on Taiwanese manufacturing facilities.

In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you’ll discover the specific steps investors should take, according to Zach, to protect themselves from market uncertainty, including:

  • How investors can insulate themselves from China’s “economic genocide directive”
  • How Chinese aggression could upturn markets worldwide, causing chaos in chip manufacturing and other fields
  • The four specific steps investors should take to prepare
  • The specific assets to buy and sell to protect your holdings and potentially grow them
  • Why a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is imminent

All purchases come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can read the action plan, request a refund if you’re unhappy for any reason, and even keep all three eBooks.

The Chip Shock Action Plan: Step-by-Step Guide

The core of The Chip Shock Action Plan is a four-step guide to protecting yourself from Chinese aggression.

Zach believes a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is “imminent.” He also claims China is actively following a multi-decade plan to become a global leader, including disrupting economies worldwide. To do that, China could focus on economic chokepoints, including Taiwanese chip manufacturing facilities crucial to the US military, US companies, and industries worldwide.

You can’t personally stop China from invading Taiwan. You can, however, take steps to insulate your investments from the effects of an invasion, including:

Recommended Step #1) Buy Alternative Assets to Preserve Your Wealth

Most investors focus on stocks and bonds. We’re told a combination of stocks and bonds is the best way to grow your money over time.

Zach, however, claims future market conditions will change that concept. In The Chip Shock Action Plan, Zach explains the steps you should take, like which alternative assets to buy instead of stocks and bonds. Those alternative assets include:

An asset that delivered returns of 233% throughout the Great Depression – even as the stock market plummeted 70%. That asset has also averaged returns of around 7% per year over the last 200 years, making it one of the best wealth preservation assets based on past performance.

A “magic metal” crucial for the artificial intelligence industry. Investors have historically prized that metal as a safe haven during tough times. If China invades Taiwan or engages in other aggressive strategies, the value of this metal could soar. In The Chip Shock Action Plan, Zach reveals six ways to add this asset to your portfolio.

An unconventional “off Wall Street” investment that could act as a hedge against major losses, helping preserve your wealth even in market trouble. Zach suggests buying this asset to prepare for both minor corrections and major market crashes.

Other alternative assets that could protect and grow your wealth during uncertain times include non-conventional stocks and bonds.

Protect Your Wealth Today – Get The Chip Shock Action Plan for Just $67!

Recommended Step #2) Secure Your Food Supply

Zach believes the Chinese invasion of Taiwan will be so severe that it will disrupt America’s food supply. That’s why his second action step focuses on securing your food supply.

If China invades Taiwan or engages in other aggressive acts, you may be unable to depend on your local grocery store for food. A significant part of the world’s food supply comes from China, either directly or indirectly.

In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you’ll discover the specific ways in which Zach recommends securing your food supply – including foods to stockpile today to protect against an upcoming crisis:

The final sign food riots are about to begin – and why you need to stockpile food and supplies as soon as you spot this final sign.

3 popular foods that will become unaffordable almost immediately after chaos breaks out, and how to safely stockpile those foods in your home today.

The best “done for you” solution to secure your food supply includes a step-by-step plan to create an effective, rotating food storage system in your home pantry.

How to build your own “victory garden” at home – even if you’ve never spent any time gardening and even if you live in a small apartment. You get a step-by-step guide to growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices in a small space, regardless of your experience.

Recommended Step #3) Secure Your Water Supply

Zach also believes the Chinese invasion of Taiwan could affect America’s water supply. You may take clean water for granted today, but it could be a luxury because of China’s upcoming aggression.

In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you can discover the specific steps Zach recommends taking to secure your water supply, including how to create an infinite supply of clean drinking water for you and your family:

How to access a secure, infinite supply of clean drinking water wherever you’re located.

How to transform polluted, non-potable water into water you can safely drink using supplies available at any ordinary hardware store.

A step-by-step guide to creating your own water purification system, even if you’re not handy and have never built anything.

By taking these steps today, you can insulate yourself from upcoming turmoil. The human body only survives a few days without water. The Chip Shock Action Plan teaches you how to secure your own water.

Recommended Step #4) Secure Your Energy Supply

The fourth and final step in Zach Scheidt’s action plan is to secure your energy supply.

In the previous steps, you secured the necessities, including food and water. In this step, Zach teaches you how to secure your source of electricity to help you stay safe and comfortable.

Zach recommends using solar panels, for example, because it’s one type of energy China can’t disrupt. Here are some of the tips you’ll learn in The Chip Shock Action Plan:

How to secure your lifetime energy supply via solar panels – even if you’ve never used solar energy.

How to build a generator at home with zero experience required, including the step-by-step build guide you can use with supplies found at any ordinary hardware store.

Alternative energy sources beyond solar to help you survive extended blackouts.

How can alternative energy sources be used to survive and stay comfortable—even if the blackout lasts one year?

Securing your energy source can help with multiple areas of survival, from sanitizing water to growing crops. Without energy, you won’t have a safe or comfortable existence.

China’s action plan against the United States could involve a year-long blackout. Some believe China will use electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons to shut down America’s power grid, for example. With The Chip Shock Action Plan, you can secure your own energy regardless of what happens next.

Prepare for Economic Uncertainty – Secure The Chip Shock Action Plan Now!

Who is Zach Scheidt?

The Chip Shock Action Plan was written by a former hedge fund manager, Zach Scheidt.

While working for hedge funds, Zach saw how the world’s wealthiest people managed their money. Many of them focused on wealth preservation, for example, to help pass wealth down through generations.

Eventually, Zach became disillusioned with the hedge fund world. He was tired of managing money for rich people – so he started working for an independent financial publishing company instead.

Over his investing career, Zach claims to have “outperformed the market” during the Dot-Com Bubble, the Great Recession, and other market downturns.

With The Chip Shock Action Plan, Zach predicts another major market disruption, and he’s confident that his steps will help investors survive it.

Why a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan is “Imminent”

Zach Scheidt believes Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party are preparing to attack Taiwan any day. In fact, he describes an attack as “imminent.”

Experts have been warning of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan for years. China believes Taiwan is part of its territory and refuses to recognize its status as an independent nation.

Here are some of the reasons Zach believes China could invade Taiwan in the near future:

  • Taiwan Has 77 Chip Manufacturing Facilities or Economic Chokepoints: The global economy has certain chokepoints. These chokepoints have an oversized role. Taiwan has 77 economic chokepoints in the form of chip manufacturing facilities. These 77 facilities have a huge influence over modern life. Chips are essential for the military and all of today’s corporations. We rely on chips to stay safe, secure, and fed. 60% of the world’s computer chips – and 90% of the world’s most advanced computer chips – are made in Taiwan. China is aware of this. A Chinese attack on Taiwan could disrupt chip manufacturing overnight, putting enormous power in China’s hands. It’s a target too tempting to ignore.
  • 100% of Nvidia’s Chips Are Made by a Single Taiwanese Company: Nvidia currently accounts for around 10% of America’s GDP. It’s a multi-trillion dollar company with a larger market cap than most countries. However, Nvidia has a weak spot: 100% of Nvidia’s chips are made by a single Taiwan-based company called Taiwan Semiconductor. That company owns 20 of the 77 manufacturing facilities mentioned above. It’s a huge weak spot in Nvidia’s dominant market share—and China knows this.
  • If Nvidia Collapses, the Rest of the Market Follows: If China invades Taiwan, it would cause a collapse in Nvidia’s stock and most other chip stocks overnight. China knows this and could use it to its advantage: if Nvidia collapses, the rest of the market will surely follow. It could lead to an economic collapse. As mentioned above, Nvidia’s market cap equals about 10% of America’s GDP. If Nvidia cannot make chips in Taiwan, it could cause shares to collapse, carrying markets with it. Zach compares the effect to the Lehman Brothers’ collapse in 2008. Lehman Brothers was a $45 billion company whose collapse was the largest in history, causing markets to plunge. What would happen if Nvidia, worth over $3 trillion, experienced a similar collapse?
  • The Chinese Communist Party Has a Longstanding “Economic Genocide Directive” Against the United States: It’s no secret the Chinese Communist Party dislikes the United States. It’s a longstanding battle between two different economic systems involving two of the world’s largest – and most populous – countries. Zach traces China’s battles against the United States all the way back to 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party first took power. Mao Zedong and his team created a manifesto aiming to disrupt capitalism over the coming decades. Zach calls it the “Economic Genocide Directive.”
  • China Has Been Patiently Waiting for the Right Opportunity: China has engaged in economic planning for decades, not in presidential terms. Since 1949, China has seen itself as being involved in a multi-decade battle against capitalism. Today, in 2024, China could have the chance to complete its “Economic Genocide Directive” because of the chokepoints in Taiwan. With a single invasion, China could cause America’s economy – and the global economy – to collapse. It could be the crowning moment of a 100-plus-year struggle against the United States.
  • Xi Jinping is Rattling His Sabre and Talking About “Reunification”: As further proof, China is preparing to attack Taiwan; Zach cites multiple statements made by Chinese leader Xi Jinping in recent years. Xi recently ended term limits for leaders, for example, allowing him to be the leader for life. He’s also announced plans to make China the world’s leading power by 2049 while making statements about reunification being inevitable.
  • China Could Take Over Taiwan in an Hour: A Chinese invasion of Taiwan is unlikely to be a multi-year war. In fact, military experts believe it could be over within an hour. China could take over Taiwan before the United States can react. It could all be over in the blink of an eye.
  • China is Selling US Treasuries and Stockpiling Gold & Food: As further proof, Zach cites China’s recent actions. They’re selling US treasuries and stockpiling gold and food, for example. China has been buying large amounts of major crops, for example. Zach believes this is to limit the impact of Western sanctions against China—say if the West punishes China for invading Taiwan.

For all of these reasons and more, Zach seems confident a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is inevitable. In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you can discover the specific steps to take to protect yourself from the invasion.

Learn How to Protect Your Investments – Download The Chip Shock Action Plan!

What’s Included with The Chip Shock Action Plan?

When you buy The Chip Shock Action Plan online today, you get instant access to the core eBook itself and two bonus guides:

The Chip Shock Action Plan eBook: The core of your purchase consists of The Chip Shock Action Plan eBook itself. The eBook walks you through the four steps mentioned above. You’ll discover how to secure your own water, food, and energy supply, for example, while learning about the best non-Wall Street alternative assets to protect your wealth during a potential market crash. Zach uses his experience as a hedge fund manager – and his knowledge of current geopolitical conditions – to recommend the best steps to stay safe, including the following information:

  • The four steps to take to prepare for upcoming market turmoil.
  • Why a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is imminent.
  • How would markets respond if China invades Taiwan – and how would it affect the stocks and bonds you probably own?
  • You can buy alternative, off-Wall Street assets instead of stocks and bonds – including unique metals, proven stores of wealth, and other non-traditional assets.
  • Other tips, tricks, and techniques for managing money successfully during market turmoil.

How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress: Economic turmoil leads to social unrest. Your home and family could be targeted. This guide, written with help from former police officer and US Army infantryman Teddy Daniels, explains how to protect yourself using proven techniques. In How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress, you’ll learn practical ways to deter looters from your home – and protect yourself if they decide to enter your home. Topics covered include:

  • How to make your doors and windows indestructible.
  • The 4-word sign to deter looters from targeting your home. By placing this sign in your yard, you could cause 95% of looters to walk on by.
  • Practical, easy-to-implement ways to make your home less of a target.
  • Effective strategies for safeguarding your home from looters if they decide to target it include ways to defend yourself and your family.
  • US military personnel and police officers recommend step-by-step strategies, tips, and techniques for staying safe during crises—even if you have zero experience in self-defense or home defense.

The Foreign Currency Hedge: Zach is a big fan of using foreign currencies to hedge against market turmoil. Diversifying beyond the US Dollar can help you mitigate risk. It could also allow you to take advantage of fluctuations between currencies. In The Foreign Currency Hedge, Zach explains the benefits of buying foreign currency, why the US Dollar shouldn’t be your only asset, and how to protect yourself against hyperinflation using foreign currency. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Why inflation and supply chain shortages could force the United States to take severe steps to protect the value of the United States Dollar – and how those severe steps could impact your savings.
  • Why should you hold more than just US dollars to protect your wealth, and which foreign currencies may be the best ones to buy?
  • How can foreign currencies and other alternative assets be purchased to hedge against fluctuating US dollar values, especially if the US dollar plummets after a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • How to protect your wealth even in times of hyperinflation.
  • How to safely and legally hold foreign currency while protecting and growing your wealth.

How Much Does The Chip Shock Action Plan Cost?

The Chip Shock Action Plan is available for a one-time fee of $67. You pay today and get instant access. Zach originally planned to price the action plan at $197.

Here’s how much you pay when buying The Chip Shock Action Plan online today:

The Chip Shock Action Plan (Instant Access): $67

All purchases include The Chip Shock Action Plan and the two bonus eBooks mentioned above.

Plus, you can get discount pricing on several bonus survival products through the checkout page. You can buy the Patriot Seeds Survival Seed Vault (+$164.95), Wireless Solar PowerBank Chargers (+$149.95), 72-Hour Survival Kits ($83.95), and the AlexaPure Pro water filter ($279), for example – all of which could help you secure power, food, and water in times of crisis.


The Chip Shock Action Plan comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can receive a refund within 30 days with no questions asked.

Contact Zach Scheidt

The Chip Shock Action Plan was published online by Zach Scheidt, an investment writer who used to work for hedge funds. Teddy Daniels, a former Baltimore police officer and US Army infantryman, created portions of the plan, including the self-defense guide How to Turn Your Home Into an Impenetrable Fortress.

Zach and his team are based in Utah. You can contact the customer service team for questions, concerns, and refunds Monday through Sunday from 8 am to 8 pm EST via the following:

  • Email: support@americaundersiegealert.com
  • Phone: 1-844-202-3478
  • Mailing Address: 1175 S. Meridian Park Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Final Word

China could invade Taiwan in the near future, causing an economic collapse across the United States and around the world.

China could take things a step further, disrupting America’s food, water, and energy supply. China wants to be the world’s leading superpower by 2049. Because of Taiwan’s economic chokepoints (its chip manufacturing facilities), China has a unique opportunity to exert its power over the world.

In The Chip Shock Action Plan, you can discover how to prepare for China’s attack. You’ll discover the four specific steps to take today to protect against uncertain market conditions – including the assets to buy to preserve your wealth. Buy The Chip Shock Action Plan online today for a one-time fee of $67 to get started.


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