As the Repugnicans have shown their true colors – make sure as many people as possible die due to no health insurance – I wrote this poem, entitled “Armi-Armageddon.” (Repugnicans in Arizona have been cheering; they’ve managed to kill two more Americans by refusing to help with transplant expenses, and they confidently expect several more will die in a few months.) Remember, folks, this is the party that was stomping around with their chests out claiming they were Christians and poking into others religious beliefs. Some Christians! More like the Romans enjoying Christian deaths in Christ’s time.
To give credit where it’s due, there is one elected Repugnican in Arizona – count him, one lone Repugnican – nay, Republican, attempting to act like a Christian and help people but he seems almost as disheartened as we Dems. It’s a good sign in my eyes that, finally, one Repugnican is relenting a bit and trying to help people. Wonder if his name’s Paul, just changed from Saul? ( The big Repugnican push re: the health insurance bill was/is to water down/remove the parts that help people, by holding the insurance companies responsible. Figures, does it not? The party owned by the Bigger Business Bureau?)
The No Party claims, falsely, the insurance bill will raise our national debt – another lie. The OFA, a non- partisan group, states the Health Insurance Bill will lower our national debt. (Of course, by the time the Repugnicans get through tweaking the bill they should be able to make it hurt us all by raising our national debt.) They’re heartless, not stupid.
Armageddon claimed the GOP
The result would be they said
If was passed the health care bill
Armageddon! Fancy that!
The bill has passed and nothing’s happened
as most of us suspected
‘twas only ranting of the GOP
As usual, nothing based on fact
I was somewhat worried, though
‘bout Sarah “Lyin’s” line –
when she clearly stated that
“death panels” were in the bill
I checked and found ‘twas but a lie
I should have known – another lie
by the sad confused Repugnicans
no death panels in the bill as passed!
Of course there will be flaws in this
the health care bill just passed
the only perfect thing is me –
all else is still in progress
Repugnicans with naught to blame
except their dead-end policies
which almost brought our country down
in reign of George the third
cannot blame their woeful thoughts
about the current president
their incompetence did help elect
A thing they fear the most
A black man as the president!
I think their squabbles fun –
‘twill be even better when
a black woman we elect!
Dan Scribner