The 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade has come and gone. Is it coincidental, or a big surprise that a Philadelphia abortion provider/doctor/abortionist has been charged with multiple counts of murder in relation to the abortion industry? No, it isn’t.
One of the big lies put forth by the left trying to get abortion legalized is that abortion needs to be safe and legal because “back alley abortions” were killing mothers. Well, legalization hasn’t changed things much. Botched abortions are killing and maiming mothers every day across this country. The unborn baby is still dying, even though he or she may be aborted alive. Although that death of the baby is now considered A-OK by the government, courts and society. Some babies still survive abortions. So, just like the cases in Philadelphia, the abortionist has to snuff out the life of the baby that is born alive, because that is what they are paid do. The abortionist in Philadelphia used scissors to kill the surviving babies. If this is offensive, I am sorry you feel that way. Please go back to your Facebook or ESPN or your wine club chat room on the Internet – sorry to make you feel uncomfortable by exposing the truth. Fortunately, this doctor was exposed and he will probably face some stiff penalties. However, don’t think that he is the only abortionist that does this.
How can we, as a so-called civil society, allow abortion to continue? Is it our duty and obligation to protect the most innocent among us? Who is more innocent than an unborn baby? An unborn baby, just like a newborn baby, is defenseless and needs grown adults to protect him or her.
Unfortunately for unborn babies, adults can be incredibly selfish and can’t be “inconvenienced” by a baby. And unfortunately for unborn babies, there is a group of abortionists that disguise themselves as women’s healthcare providers that make tons of money to snuff out the lives of unborn babies. And these people are given cover by cowardly judges and politicians.
Are you uncomfortable yet? If you are, I suggest you take a deep look at yourself. Anyone that has had a baby in the last 25 years knows that the baby growing inside of expecting mothers is not a “blob of tissue mass” like I have heard liberals and modern-day feminists describe unborn babies (part of the big lies by the progressive movement the last 100 years). Ultrasounds, 3-D ultrasounds prove otherwise.
As technology and education improves, there is no moral, legal or medical foundation to support abortion. Pray to end abortion. Two people die when an abortion occurs. The blood of 40 million unborn babies is on the hands of our so-called civilized society if we continue to turn our heads.
J. Buss