Addicts deserve treatment, not jail time

Alcoholism, addiction and mental illness go hand in hand and they are devastating afflictions which are documented diseases.

As a nation, we are spending billions of dollars to build cages for sick human beings. They receive no treatment or help as they slip deeper and deeper into depression, hopelessness, and self loathing. They can never be punished into sobriety and/or sanity.

Our prisons are de facto mental hospitals. Many, many certified diagnosed mentally ill people are doing time behind bars, often “housed” in separate, solitary units. This prison setting is the epitome of sensory deprivation and it has a complete lack of meaningful perceptual stimulation. The only stimulation that would be available would be noxious such as offensive smells and offensive noises.

Kick and beat a caged animal until it is crazy and wild and vicious and then one day, release it. These people have problems that need to be treated rather than problems that need to be punished. Punishment is only going to make it worse. We should bear this in mind as our Department of Corrections reduces and eliminates treatment and educational programs in our prisons to achieve budget cuts without releasing anyone, even those who no longer pose a threat.

Tom Martin
