Applause for columnist Elfers

He’s the reason we subscribed to the Courier-Herald.

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the letter, “Elfers’ views don’t reflect Enumclaw,” published Feb. 10.

Mr. Elfers’ column is the main reason we decided to subscribe to the Enumclaw Courier-Herald when the free delivery migrated to subscription in our area. I appreciate his moderate view, where he does not hesitate to register his opinion about issues disputed and/or condoned by both more liberal and more conservative readers. I, for one, am very tired of these two polarizing labels that generate division and ire in so many.

I respectfully take issue with the letter from Mr. Arnold of Enumclaw saying that Mr. Elfers’ views do not reflect Enumclaw. He seems to assume that most folks on the Plateau agree with him, that the so-called more liberal viewpoint of Mr. Elfers has no place in this community paper. He decries those who do not share his perspective. I personally do not appreciate the “circle your wagons” view of the world. To me, Mr. Elfers is a voice of reason for most of us, and his historical references make us think about the issues.

We do, in Mr. Arnold’s words, “need to pray for guidance for our leaders in this community and state and the nation” but to come to a place where we can find common ground, and do what is best for all Americans. Thank you, Richard Elfers, for your “In Focus” column, and for your historical pieces on local history! I applaud you!

Nancy Carter
