Appreciates the help of fire department staff

I would like to thank all the men and women in the Enumclaw Fire Department for all the great work that they do, for just being there for us.

I would like to thank all the men and women in the Enumclaw Fire Department for all the great work that they do, for just being there for us.

They were there for me when I was hit from behind in my car, to take me to the hospital in shock with a blood pressure of 230 over 98. For being there when I had a bad spell at QFC and was taken to the hospital suffering from dehydration. For being there so I can have my blood pressure taken any time that I want.

To me, they are a great bunch of men and women, from the aid car people to the firemen and office staff.

I am grateful for all of you. Thanks, guys.

Beth Holmquist
