“…the answer is not doing away with collective bargaining (especially if you are only proposing to do away with for the unions that endorsed your opponent…) for state workers. End quote, says Brian (Courier-Herald, March 2).
Well, if Brian had bothered to check his facts (something he only does sporadically at best), in this column he is in his usual never-let-the-truth-get-in-the-way-of-the-leftist narrative. Brian, if you had bothered to check (hah), you would have seen that the Wisconsin bill leaves collective bargaining rights for wages but leaves pension and benefits to the Legislature. Also, only two small town police and fire guilds endorsed the governor; all other statewide police and fire unions endorsed his opponent and they were not included in the bill.
Also, how the heck do you get from traffic avenger to hating Republicans in one column?
Funny Brian does not do his characteristic dump on the Dems for bringing government to a halt and thwarting the will of the people of the state as evidenced in the election. No, the will of the people in Brian’s world is only to be enacted when it corresponds with our progressive masters. Disagree and you have no voice until you “come to your senses.” Only an idealog like Brian can pretend fairness and bash the “enemy” like Brian does. But then maybe he really believes in his own mind that what he writes is fair and balanced? More’s the pity…for us, more’s the pity for what was known at one time as the profession of journalism, a prior profession now just acknowledged as another DNC-socialist shill.
Too harsh? Since the Obamunist is running the fight against the will of the people in Wisconsin from the White House I don’t think so…
Craig Sarver
Bonney Lake