The article on Christian Zionism by Rich Elfers was definitely biased, naive and a very uneducated one.
I doubt if the writer has ever even been to Israel. I am from Jewish ancestry and have Jewish relatives who died in the holocaust at Auschwitz. I also lead tours to Israel every year. I have relatives who are Palestinian Arabs living in Jerusalem and they are terrified of a Muslim state in Israel where they would be under sharia law. They are Christian Arabs and know they will be murdered when that happens. How many churches are in Saudi Arabia? But I am also a believer in Yeshua/Jesus.
Rich Elfers implies Christian Zionism is based totally on some perverted hope for the return of Jesus so Armageddon can get going. What he doesn’t realize is Christian Zionism is based on the historic fact of the insane desire to murder Jews by politicians and religious bigotry over the millennia.
There are over a dozen Arab countries and even more Muslim countries. Rich Elfers needs to work on his geography and take a hard look at a map. What’s wrong with one Jewish state in the entire world that is so small it could fit in Lake Michigan with room to spare?
Even in this small democracy they have Muslim homicide bombers trying to kill innocent women and children. Hundreds of missiles being shot for months aimed purposefully at school yards. Yes, the United States gives Israel a lot of money to protect them from the bullies in their neighborhood. The elderly lady that was bullied by the school kids on the bus got a lot of money that was well deserved, too. Rich Elfers would have probably sided with the bullies because of all the trouble the lady caused in getting the kids expelled from school for a year.
Christian Zionism is mostly a humanitarian issue. Yes, politics and religion always get involved but usually from the money point of view Rich Elfers has. It always comes down to money which is why the Jews were always being killed or kicked out of countries so others could have their money. It began with the church saying the “Jews cannot live among us as Jews.” The nations followed suit saying the “Jews cannot live among us” who were then followed up by politicians like Hitler who played on what the church and state said and declared the “Jews cannot live.”
If you want to know firsthand what Israel is like without all the media bias, come with me to Israel and see firsthand as we ride the armored bus through Hebron, Shiloh and Itamar where the Fogel family were murdered. We don’t need any more armchair columnists who aren’t aware of the full issue.
Pastor Mark Biltz
El Shaddai Ministries
Bonney Lake